What is the Normal Value of Tpe Interval and Corrected Tpe Interval?





Objective: Increased T wave peak and end distance (Tpe interval) shows abnormal spread in ventricular repolarization, it is associated with increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia and poor prognosis. However, Tpe interval, corrected Tpe (Tpe-c) upper limit value, and normal reference interval have not been reported in healthy population. In our study, it was aimed to determine the normal reference range of Tpe and Tpe-c interval in healthy population.

Materials and Methods: 414 healthcare professionals who had no complaints were included in the study. Tpe and Tpe-c measurements of all patients were performed on 12-lead electrocardiography taken at rest. Average and standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) values of these parameters were obtained.

Results: According to the data obtained in our study; Tpe mean and standard deviation, median, minimum, and maximum values were found to be 70.3 ± 12.3 ms, 70 ms, 50 ms and 100 ms, respectively. The 95% CI value of the Tpe interval was detected as 50-90 ms. Tpe-c mean and standard deviation, median, minimum, and maximum values were found to be 76.1 ± 14.6 ms, 75 ms, 48 ms and 128 ms, respectively. The 95% CI of the Tpe-c interval was detected as 53-100 ms. It was determined that Tpe and Tpe-c intervals were not affected by demographic and clinical parameters.

Conclusion: As a result of our study, it was determined that the upper limit of Tpe and Tpe-c interval values in adult, not-elderly and healthy normal population were 90 ms and 100 ms, respectively. It was thought that this information could be used for prolonged Tpe interval, which shows an increased risk of arrhythmia in daily practice. However, it was concluded that studies should be done in other communities and races on this subject as well.


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How to Cite

Koca H, Koç M. What is the Normal Value of Tpe Interval and Corrected Tpe Interval?. Acta Medica [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];51(4):10-5. Available from: https://www.actamedica.org/index.php/actamedica/article/view/493



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